Thursday, September 1, 2011

tick free !!!

I want to give a good news report .... we are finally tick free.   Now that may not sound like a subject to get excited about, but we have been thru about two months of constant effort and vigilance to rid our dogs and motorhome of the pesky critters.  We haven't found a live tick in almost two weeks, and a dead one in at least a week.  So, we think we are in control now; but we will continue to have tick checks routinely, because if they get a head start ..... it is misery !   This western part of the country seems to have them just about everywhere, even in green mowed lawns.  We know this because we found one clinging to Toby's coat as we brought the dogs inside after being out in green grass and bushes.

Albuquerque is basically an arid land, and isn't supposed to get much rainfall at all ..... but both days we have been here it has rained hard in the afternoons.

More later,


  1. Well that just isn't fair; please send that rain to Texas. Glad that you are tick-free; may you stay that way until you return home.

  2. Wait! Vera leaves and you are "tick free"? What are you saying?
