Friday, September 9, 2011

wilderness suburb/ double rainbow

We (Charlie and I) have moved north from Albuquerque, about 20 miles south of Santa Fe.  We are in a very nice Corp of Engineers park, on a lake that the Rio Grande River flows thru.
The first morning here I awoke to the sound of silence (very unusual).  Very few human sounds, a few birds .... thats it.  So I sat outside enjoying this feeling of being in "the wilderness" .... reminding me of my childhood on a rural farm ..... everything so beautiful and peaceful.  
Then we decided to take the car exploring: .... lookout points, the dam, nearby Indian Pueblo .... and then about 5 miles from camp we came upon Interstate 25, with a sign "Santa Fe 17 miles".  What a disappointment to discover my 'wilderness' was just a suburb.

Late that afternoon there was a rain shower, and when it had passed on into the adjoining mountains, the most beautiful double rainbow appeared!   Did you know that the colors are reversed on the second one?  I don't think I've ever seen a double.  There were three things very unique about it. 1) It was very short/shallow, just along the river and into the lake, you could see both ends. I held my hand out at arms length and the lower band, which wasn't far above the cliffs on the other side of the lake, was the width of one finger.  There were six finger widths in the middle, which was a reddish gray color, and then the top band was also one finger width.  It looked so close I felt as if I could reach out and touch it.  2) It was absolutely glowing brightly; the yellow expecially looked as if it were illuminated/ light.  3) On the end nearest the lake, which was directly in front of me, you could see the cliffs and foothills on the other side COLORED by the colors of the rainbow.  There were distinct bands of each glowing color, thru which you could see rocks and trees of that color !!
It was a God thing.

We are relishing just sitting here doing nothing except gazing at the views.  We are surrounded by foothills, and in the distance, blue gray mountain ranges.

While in Albuquerque we went up the Tram to the peak of the Sandia mountains which are on the eastern edge of the city.  The peak was 10,600 feet; we traveled over the most gorgeous red rock formations on the way up!
When Vera gets back on Sunday we will head up into the Durango area for a few weeks, then come back to Albuquerque for the Balloon Festival.

Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. I hope you got pictures of the rainbows so you can paint it. Sounds like a beautiful piece of God's creation.

    Patsy said to enjoy the balloon festival. She and her cousin (Karen's dad lives there) have been several times and she loves it.
