Friday, September 16, 2011


We've moved up to Taos, NM; a really nice town.... I say 'town' because after having been in Santa Fe, this seems like a miniature Santa Fee, but much more relaxed and 'warm' to me.  Santa Fe had a lot of people, and seemed more sophisticated, more expensive ..... I like Taos better.

The mountains of this area are much more 'friendly' than say, Grand Tetons or Glacier.  Those high peaks covered with dense forests and snow capped are beautiful to gaze upon, no doubt about that.  These less 'craig-y' more erosion rounded (with magnificent red bluffs in some places), mountains are more inviting to me ..... I have a real desire to climb up into them .... not just gaze upon them.  I guess I just relate to them more.

Tomorrow we will do a 2.4 mile hike down in the Rio Grand Gorge .... I anticipate it to be a very beautiful place.  The Rio Grand in this region has carved out a 650 foot deep gorge thru the mesas that is very beautiful from what we have seen.  We were going to camp down along the river tonite, but discovered there was no internet service for Vera's teaching responsibilities, so we came 16 miles on into Taos.  We'll be here a couple of days.

Later, Marilyn

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