Thursday, September 22, 2011

we found the Color !!

One of my favorite newspaper columns for many years was Leon Hale. Every spring he and an old friend would get in his pickup truck and head south to meet spring.  They would travel down the coast until the landscape started to look green, and then would be able to guage how long until spring would reach Houston.
Well, we have found fall .... and it is in Silverton, Colorado. We are staying in a campground near Durango, at elevation 7500 feet; (both Vera and I have experienced some symptoms of altitude sickness) but today we rode the narrow guage steam train up to Silverton (elevation 9300) and we found the aspens ... well into their transformation to golden mountainsides.
It is really something to behold !   God does a great job !
We are so-o-o-o impressed with this area.... just too beautiful to try to describe. Maybe tomorrow I will post pictures (I used up all my camera battery today).
Anyway, I'm not sure how long it will take fall to get from here to Houston.  I know Texas is really suffering. Wish I could just bring a busload down to ya'll.

Later, Marilyn

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