Tuesday, September 27, 2011

back at the ranch

Our campsite is so beautiful.  Toby loves it too .... there are horses in the field behind us, and deer that wander thru quite often, even in the middle of the day.

We can see this butte from our campsite (its about 6 miles away).  It is the entrance to the Mesa Verde area. If you use your imagination you can see the roadway going diagonally up the side of the mountain.

Once you reach the top of the Mesa, you can see forever ( this shot is said to be a view of 162 miles distance).  This area stretches to the southwest of Durango/Mancos/Cortez.  (the other San Juans are to the North).

This is Cliff Palace, one of the main dwelling ruins of the area. The villages are located just below the rim overhang of the mesa above.  There are hand and footholds which are presumed to have been their primary way to reach the mesa where they grew crops of beans, squash, and corn.

The architectural aspect of these structures is of course very fascinating to me.
Before we leave we are going back to this area to hike to some of the overlooks of additional villages.

Later, Marilyn

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