Thursday, July 7, 2011

Badlands and Needles

Right in the middle of the southern half of South Dakota is a region (very large) which the Indians called "land, bad".  Ironically, at the northern edge of this area is where the historical sod homesteaders flocked in the 1890's.  The homesteaders area is rolling prairies, not real lush .... just like in "The Little House on the Prairie".  Actually, Laura Ingall Wilders younger sister Carrie and her family homesteaded about 40 miles north of the "badlands".
The badlands is the most fantastic, unique, interesting place we have encountered thus far ..... very beautiful in a very stark, austere way.  The plains have eroded away (millions of years) and left canyons, and earthen shapes in very "earthy" colors (caused by minerals).  The tops often remain flat with the very tough prairie sod holding on for dear life.  You can drive thru them up close and personal ..... very interesting.

"The Needles" is about 100 miles to the west, in the middle of the Black Hills.  They are massive, vertically shapes spires, of granite, that millions of years ago were pushed straight up thru softer land.  They hardened, and over time the surrounding earth eroded away leaving these unusual shapes.  You can tell this entire area of hills is formed with these granite "up croppings" .... but this one area has so many more visible. The Black Hills are very lush, forested, very beautiful ..... a little like the Ozarks, only maybe taller hills.
The entire Black Hills are wonderful !  We've been here over a week, and hate to leave .... but Yellowstone beckons.

Vera is thinking of flying out of Rapid City to go to her high school reunion in Pennsylvania ... We'd pick her up in Jackson, Wyoming. 
One of Charlie's friends from Mississippi is flying to Jackson to spend a week or so with us ......... so see, all you friends out there ..... you should let us know where you want to join us and we'll welcome you.   Our next destination after Yellowstone/Teton will be the Oregon Coast.

Marilyn for the Three Travelers

1 comment:

  1. Beware of Bears in Yellowstone! Seriously!
    If Vera leaves, who will cook?
    Does Charlie's friend know about the ticks?

    Love following along with you as you live the dream. Thanks for sharing with those of us chained to a job.
