Monday, July 25, 2011

Yellowstone to Glacier

Three days in Yellowstone .... could have spent 3 weeks !  What surprised me is that there are SO many different things to see; so much diversity in the land.  All of it was spectacular: waterfalls, geysers, rivers, mountains, high passes, meadows filled with wildlife, so many bison and elk, and we even saw one grizzly bear.  The joke of the day was "where are the moose?"  We saw ONE young moose by the roadside next to a stream, (and he was causing a traffic jam) and when we came back by several hours later he was in the same spot .... so we concluded he was a throwdown. :)

Tonite we are in Bozeman, Montana on the way north to Glacier Park.  I chickened out on coming by way of Beartooth Pass out of the north entrance of Yellowstone.  I was told it has 10 % grades with hairpins ... and I draw the line at 7 % in the motorhome.  We came over the Powder River Pass with 10% and hairpin switchbacks (in the motorhome, towing the car) ..... it was fun .... but "been there done that".

Charlie's friend from Mississippi is finally going to join us ... from Bozeman to Spokane.

So-o-o much to see everywhere here ... hard to make decisions which way to go and how long to stay.

Wish I could get the hang of attaching pictures to these blogs .... just can't seem to access the pictures from inside this program without downloading all our pictures into the companion Web program and I just don't want to do that.
Vera continues to play with it ... maybe soon .

Marilyn for the Three Travelers


  1. WOW! How awesome! Going to El Gallo tonight. I'll think of y'all

  2. Great picture. I can almost see the water moving.
