Saturday, July 9, 2011

Snow covered peaks

Charlie and I just traveled across Wyoming from east to west, tomorrow we will enter Yellowstone. Vera is in Pennsylvania right now at a High School Reunion; she will be rejoining us in Jackson Hole.
We had a horrific hail storm last night in Sundance, Wyoming. Ping pong size hail cracked the plastic skylight vent cover in the bathroom. I really was worried about the tent campers in the campground; but this morning all seemed to be ok, with all their bedding and belonging spread out on the grass to dry.
Today we traveled over the Big Horn Mountain Range (approx. 9,600 feet elev.).  Whoo-ee, we were actually ABOVE a lot of the snow capped peaks.  Then came the downhill side ..... 15 mph switchbacks ... VERY beautiful AND fun (although a little tense since this was my first really big mountains). 
Actually it was just as well that Vera wasn't with us because she prefers the mountain roads to have bigger guardrails. :)
But I tell you what, I am so-o-o-o impressed with the diesel engine in this motorhome !  The engine brake really does a wonderful job; holds the rig on the downhills to whatever you set it to .... makes me so glad we chose it.  I very rarely have to use the service brake .... even on the 15 mph switchbacks!
Tonite we are in Greybull, Wyoming. The name greybull is a reference back to the white buffalo which was sacred to the Indians.  This is very definitely western "cowboy" country; even the high schools have rodeo competition teams. Tomorrow we will travel thru Cody.

More later,
Marilyn, for the TWO travelers

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