Monday, July 11, 2011

up and down, up and down, up and down

Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons .....   Wow-e-e !!  I could never have imagined how beautiful.
We have been over at least 4 mountain passes that are over 9,000 feet. With lakes and rivers everywhere.

No campground in Yellowstone could accomodate our motorhome length, so we came on south toward Jackson Hole and stayed at a private campground.    And tonite we are settled in a Victor, Idaho, which is only 20 minutes back over to Jackson.  We will be staying here at least a week.  Charlie and I plan to float down the snake river (guided), and do a little walking on the "easy" trails.
Vera comes in Wednesday nite.

They really take the bear danger seriously around here.  They provide bear proof food storage bins for tent campers .... and at some camps they will not accept tents, pop-up campers or any "soft-sided" camper.
The motto you see everywhere is "a fed bear is a dead bear"..... trying to appeal to people not to unwittingly teach bears to associate food with people, because it will lead to the bear having to be killed.   It's a tough situation! 

Charlie and I sat outside this evening just soaking in the awesomeness of being completely surrounded by snow covered peaks.  Lovely.


1 comment:

  1. Awww, so happy you are enjoying the journey. I'm so envious. Look forward to seeing paintings!
