Saturday, July 9, 2011

the house is moving ... again - Toby

The dogs are amazing; they have the routine down, and of course are smelling the "roses" along the way. I think each has their own role in the travel pack: 
Bugsy is the main scout. He likes to look down the road where we are going ... Vera even bought him his own folding chair which he sits or lies in right beside the passenger chair.  When we are in the car, he almost always has his nose out the window.  I can imagine him reporting to the others whether we've been there before, what kind of animals live there, and of course when they need to wake up and bark at something.
Toby is in charge of keeping everyone accounted for.  He never wants to walk very far away from the motorhome during potty breaks while we are traveling; and he keeps track of everyone's whereabouts. (He's a mamas boy .. never to far from me).
Boo is in charge of social activities.  She often wakes Toby up to get him to play rope tug or ball.  If he is not really interested, she will try pushing the ball into his mouth. And of course, she has to keep all our laps warm from time to time.
People we encounter comment that Boo is probably the "boss" .... but actually Bugsy is grand ole man;  (Boo just wants to be boss).


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