Saturday, July 16, 2011

White water !

Snake River, Teton Valley, Wyoming:
We survived .... we all three did a 16 mile long river run today, with about 8 miles of it being class 3 whitewater ..... fantastic !!!  It was a guided 8 person raft, and it was really fun.  Nobody got tumped, which is a good thing since the river water was 53 degrees.  They provided wet suits for everyone --- which is another story (seeing us in wet suits was I'm sure a topic of conversation among our fellow travelers - oh, well !)  We had to leave the camera behind because it was going to be wet, so fortunately there is no record with which to blackmail anyone.

The full moon over the snow capped peaks was beautiful. Any direction you look you can see the peaks - tallest being 13,700 feet elevation.

Vera is having a problem with her ankle, has a walking boot on it ..... but it's not slowing her down !  However, she has an appointment at the Clinic in Jackson to have an injection into it on Monday.

Everyone else is fine, we are just soaking in the beauty of this place.

Marilyn for the Three Travelers

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