Monday, July 4, 2011

TICKS !!! Yikes!

We have discovered we have a tick problem with the dogs, which is rapidly expanding. We have tick inspections several times a day (with resulting "bonfire" cremations). Tomorrow will be totally dedicated to the full treatment of all dogs and bedding, and the whole "house" being fumigated.  Man, what a mess !
We will have to be much more vigilant and brush the dogs (and ourselves) after they have been out for their walks. 

We are loving this country (Black Hills) !  
The Indian/ white man history here provides some terribly conflicting and sad emotions.  I guess if you lived here and depended on tourism for your livelihood .... well, enough said.
Mount Rushmore is awesome, although not as large as I anticipated it to be.  Crazy Horse Monument although nowhere near complete, is the most impressive thing I have ever seen.  It is humongous ... it uses the whole mountain.


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