Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Three & one-half lighthouses

When we were in Florida I was very proud of having climbed to the top of several lighthouses.  So, in the absence of lighthouses here in the Rocky Mountains I have associated major hikes up mountainsides with the energy of climbing a lighthouse.  Up until this point my hikes have been in the neighborhood of two lighthouse equivalents.
Well, today Charlie and I did a 3 1/2 equivalent ... or maybe even a four.   It was called Hidden Falls, which was a waterfall up at the top of a canyon on the back side of Jenny Lake, here in Jackson Hole Valley.  It was a true backcountry trail, and for me was really pushing my limits. But we made it and the view was definitely worth it. 
Of course I'm not sure if I will be able to walk tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will be leaving Victor, Idaho (which is just 20 minutes over Teton Pass from Jackson, Wyoming) where we have been for I guess about 10 days. We have been doing things here in Teton Park and surrounding area.  
We will be moving north 40 or 50 miles to West Yellowstone to stay for about 4 days while we explore Yellowstone Park.

The Teton Valley would be a wonderful place to live in the summer (only).  Actually I found out in the local newspaper that people can still ski near  the peaks where there is a good amount of snow left.  There are several ski ranches that take <mostly young daredevil types> up by horses to the edge of the snow, then they sidestep/climb on up and ski down.   Gotta wanta ski real bad if you ask me (or need a good way to waste energy).

Marilyn for the Three Travelers

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