Sunday, July 17, 2011

White headed wisdom

When you look at the pictures you will see a boat full of young people, with three older ladies on the back row, just in front of the guide.  Charlie is on the left of the pictures (right side of the raft), and is shown to be rowing mightily .... as she should be.  In the middle you can just make out the head of Vera, who is leaning forward to hold on to the safety straps (mightily),,, (she didn't have to row cause she's so short I guess). Anyway, she got the best seat in the house.   And then on the right back corner (left side of the raft) .... is the white haired person who, you will notice, is NOT rowing ... because she is holding on tight and couldn't row and hold on at the same time!  
Now, some people might be embarrassed at not holding up their end of the group effort ..... HOWEVER, I look at it this way:  the white hair means a fair amount of wisdom has been accumulated up to this point in my life;   and (irregardless of the decision to actually BE in the raft at all) I quickly decided it was more important to hang on than paddle.

We had a wonderful time!!!

Later, Marilyn for the Three Travelers


  1. Awesome! So proud of y'all for doing this!
    Thanks so much for pictures.

  2. I applaud your wisdom. Bebe and I got dumped several times white water rafting. Wish I had applied the same wisdom you did.
