Monday, August 29, 2011

Arches / Canyonlands

Change of plans:  intended to go thru Ouray, Silverton, Durango down to Albuquerque; However, a very large rainstorm, (projected for a couple of days) hung out over our heads and our path southeastward ..... so we backtracked a little and are back in Utah, seeing Arches and Canyonlands National Parks.
We've been in Moab a couple of days, and now we will head south again.

The thing about this beautiful country ..... it is BIG .... desolate ..... beautiful .... it just goes on and on. Mostly what we see are the red rock canyons and cliffs, and some of it was a minature Grand Canyon.  We drove for thirty something miles to get out on the end of a triangular mesa whose point looks down (2000 feet below) on the confluence of the Green River and the Colorado River.  From there the Colorado makes its way southwest and then southeast to the Grand Canyon.  We really want to come back here and do some of the water activites: rafting, jet boat tours into the canyons, etc.

The first afternoon we got here the campground office suggested a scenic drive up into the foothills behind the campground .... and so as soon as we got things settled we started out about 7pm.  Two major mistakes (which you are warned never to do):  we didn't have a map .... and we neglected to ask how long the loop was.
So over an hour later we were still thinking the loop was going to come out on the main road, when we saw a little sign that said Moab 42 miles.  And it was getting dark fast.  We looked on the other side of the sign and it said Moab 22 miles (in the direction we had just come).   Well, obviously it was a no brainer decision: we made a quick turnaround and raced the darkness back to the campground.  When I say "raced" it is really a misnomer:  there were switchbacks and 's' curves and most of them were marked as 20 mph or even 15mph .... and the road was really narrow and backcountry.  Did I mention we only saw about 5 or 6 other cars ....    Yeah, I know, not smart!  Next day we got some good maps before we started out.

Leaving in the morning, probably will make it to somewhere near Gallup, NM.
Later, Marilyn

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it wonderful that you don't have to stick to a hard and fast schedule. "It's raining here today, let's go back to the sunshine" Of course, in Houston, we would love to trade sunshine for a little rain. Glad you are having such great adventures.
