Thursday, August 25, 2011

flat curvature

Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah
We traveled today across the northern Nevada desert toward Salt Lake City.  The mountains are very different, quite arid; but the colors are just fantastic.
Just at the border of Utah, we crested some mountains and suddenly the white salt flats stretched before us completely from left to right and as far as is visible.  Only two features marked the wide, white expanse: IH 80 going east, and IH 80 coming west. The two tracks were away out to the left of the view, looking toward the east; and the remainder of the entire horizon showed the earth's curvature !   It was a real "WOW".  Gives a whole new meaning to "flat" ..... and I thought West Texas was flat !

We are in Wendover, Utah tonite, elevation 4100 feet (the air mattress should sleep good tonite - not too high, not too low).

Later, Marilyn

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