Sunday, August 7, 2011

Columbia River Gorge

I am back in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark .... I plan to follow them all the way to the Pacific Coast.  We are in Rufus, Oregon tonite, only 300 feet above sea level (had to put air in the Sleep Number Air Mattress; we have to add or take air out depending on the elevation ... one of those things the manufacturer probably doesn't even know .... how many people take their mattresses on long trips anyway?).
Our campsite is on a small hill on the side of this 1000 foot bluff going from the river up to the prairie above. It is Very Windy, but serene.... the only sound is the wind and the tall grasses blowing.  And down below the Columbia River sparkling .... snow capped Mount Hood is off to the south.
Tomorrow we will pass thru Portland and camp just north of there in Washington.
Later, Marilyn

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