Monday, August 22, 2011

Too-o-o far south

Reno is hot !   I know, just can't satisfy us -- picky, picky.  But we have come up with a new slogan:  "we don't have to be anywhere we don't want to be" ..... and this is too far south for this time of the year. (We are SO blessed to be able to say that; especially considering how our friends in Texas are suffering so from the heat.)
So-o-o we have decided to re-chose our original projected path farther north:  up to Salt Lake City, then over into Colorado.  We have about nine days left before we need to be in Albuquerque for Vera to go to another class reunion (this time it's nursing school).  Charlie and I hope to find a nice campground up in the mountains to stay about a week while Vera flies off to go on a cruise.  (That's a bad habit she's getting into: always flying off to somewhere :)
We were delayed an extra day in Reno because I (Marilyn) got food poisoning some place.  Tonite we are in Carson City, and will take the car down around Lake Tahoe tomorrow.  Then ..... northward, ho !


  1. Tahoe is beautiful!! Did you stop by the Ponderosa?

  2. Everything comes to a stop when the driver gets sick. I'm going to assume you got it from eating out somewhere. I know it wasn't Vera's cooking. Glad to hear you are heading north again. Have so enjoyed your narratives of the beautiful scenery. Hope you are feeling better and no one else got sick.
