Saturday, August 27, 2011

lots of space

A fellow traveler said today:  "what strikes me about this country is there's so much space between places".  Very true ..... and all of it beautiful.

We landed today in Grand Junction, Colorado and discovered we can look from our campsite across the valley to the south and see the beginning edges of Colorado National Monument with its gigantic sculpted masterpieces.
To the north the Bookcliffs run back into Utah: white colored eroded cliffs with a flat plateau above.
To the east is The Grand Mesa, the largest flat-topped mountain in the world. It is called the "10,000 foot high island in the sky". It is covered in pines and aspen, with meadows, over 300 lakes, and just below the rim is Powderhorn Ski Resort for the cold weather fans (not me) :)

We will explore these places tomorrow, then on to Ouray.
Later, Marilyn

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