Friday, August 12, 2011

Oregon Coast; Very spotty wi-fi

Vera has had a difficult time this week with her teaching responsibilities because of very inconsistent internet availability (cell phone also).  And grades are due .....

We have traveled liesurely down the Oregon Coast from North to South, are about 2/3 the distance down to the California border.  This is a country like no other !  Vastly different from anywhere else .... a different type of view around every corner:  500 feet tall sand dunes, inland lakes on one side of the road, beach on the other, high cliffs with rocks below in the surf, valleys sloping down to wide beaches, lighthouses on points jutting out into the water, .....

Tonite we are in North Bend, near Coos Bay, Oregon. A 40 mile stretch of the coast just north of here is the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area.  As we drove down the coast highway there were many places the dunes have overtaken and covered portions of the forest, many very tall tree tops are sticking out of the top of the very tall dunes.  Pretty awesome.
Tomorrow we are going to rent dune buggies to play in the sand.

Later, Marilyn

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